Genre: Black Metal
Label: Independent
Line Up:
Black Metal, is not native music of overseas or South American countries, however, it has taken hold all over the world, sometimes giving rise to unexpected and convincing experiments, the result of influences from lands far from the places where the genre has its roots.
The Mexican Necroroots propose an album that adheres to the typical canons of the rawest and embryonic Black Metal, the adjective Raw gives a good idea: compositional simplicity and and old-school sound.
The band presents a satisfactory product, however occasionally in some parts it would seem that the instruments are not well in tune, the fourth track "Trascending" eloquent.
The sound is greatly enriched in the parts of blast beats such as "Die In My Name" and "In Memory Of The Damned", with more articulated and captivating-sounding guitars; the singer's scratchy timbre is effective, but it is a little too present.
The songs flow linearly without particular moments of intensity. Good execution of the Azazel cover.
An album closely linked to the basic elements of primordial Black Metal recommended for lovers of the old school.
Andrea B.