Genre: Black Metal
Label: WormHoleDeath
Line Up:
The American duo led by the founding leader Sterthanas proves once again that North American Black Metal has the right to have its say in the genre music scene. A current record, well produced and with attention to detail.
The guys from Blacksburg do not hide their influences, in fact, we find in the album a compositional narrative that, in alternating phases, recalls bands like 1349, Dark Funeral, Satyricon of the most recent productions, and the cuts in full Infernal War style.
The album runs well in its 31 minutes of duration and would have benefited from 1 or 2 more tracks.
The influence of the European school is felt a lot, but each track has its own personality.
Fast, nasty, mostly accompanied by pressing drumming, especially on the snare drum.
The riffs work synergistically and alternate atmospheric, Swedish-style monochord parts and frenetic, almost acidic passages.
The more melodic guitar solos are well integrated, an extra touch of technique.
Malevictus does a great job with the backing vocals and accentuates, even more, the Death Metal influences that are perceived in the sound.
The most notable tracks are "Polar Cortex" for the vocal lines and "Dreams that Haunt the Mind" for the Nordic-style riffs and the emphasized cuts.
Death Shroud's proposal is clear and well structured, and the potential is considerable, we just have to wait for the further growth that will characterize their next works.